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Assembly Source File
627 lines
.Model Small
Data Segment Para Use16
; Messages and file names
MemoryErrMsg Db 'Not enough memory!$'
TubeTranslateFile Db 'TUBE.DAT',00h
TubeBitmapFile Db 'TUBE.MAP',00h
AntialiasDataFile Db 'TUBEANTI.DAT',00h
FileNotFoundMsg01 Db 'File TUBE.DAT not found!$'
FileNotFoundMsg02 Db 'File TUBE.MAP not found!$'
FileNotFoundMsg03 Db 'File TUBEANTI.DAT not found!$'
FileReadErrorMsg01 Db 'Error in file TUBE.DAT!$'
FileReadErrorMsg02 Db 'Error in file TUBE.MAP!$'
FileReadErrorMsg03 Db 'Error in file AALIAS.DAT!$'
WaitMessage Db 'Please wait, calculating radiuses...$'
ByeByeMessage Db 'You made that!$'
; Program variables
ColorSegment Dw ?
RadiusSegment Dw ?
VideoSegment Dw ?
FileHandle Dw ?
LandscapeSegment Dw ?
PixelPointerSegment Dw ?
Palette Db 0300h Dup (?)
BitmapWidth Dw ?
BitmapHeight Db ?
BitmapLine Db 0200h Dup (?)
ColorTranslateSeg Dw ?
Rotate Dw ?
Moving Dw ?
XangleDec Dw ?
YangleDec Dw ?
; Program constants
Sin Equ 00000h
Cos Equ 00100h
Trigon Dw 00000h,0023Ch,00478h,006B3h,008EEh
Dw 00B28h,00D61h,00F99h,011D0h,01406h
Dw 0163Ah,0186Ch,01A9Dh,01CCBh,01EF7h
Dw 02121h,02348h,0256Ch,0278Eh,029ACh
Dw 02BC7h,02DDFh,02FF3h,03203h,03410h
Dw 03618h,0381Ch,03A1Ch,03C17h,03E0Eh
Dw 03FFFh,041ECh,043D4h,045B6h,04793h
Dw 0496Ah,04B3Ch,04D08h,04ECDh,0508Dh
Dw 05246h,053F9h,055A5h,0574Bh,058EAh
Dw 05A82h,05C13h,05D9Ch,05F1Fh,0609Ah
Dw 0620Dh,06379h,064DDh,06639h,0678Dh
Dw 068D9h,06A1Dh,06B59h,06C8Ch,06DB7h
Dw 06ED9h,06FF3h,07104h,0720Ch,0730Bh
Dw 07401h,074EEh,075D2h,076ADh,0777Fh
Dw 07847h,07906h,079BBh,07A67h,07B0Ah
Dw 07BA2h,07C32h,07CB7h,07D33h,07DA5h
Dw 07E0Dh,07E6Ch,07EC0h,07F0Bh,07F4Bh
Dw 07F82h,07FAFh,07FD2h,07FEBh,07FFAh
Dw 07FFFh,07FFAh,07FEBh,07FD2h,07FAFh
Dw 07F82h,07F4Bh,07F0Bh,07EC0h,07E6Ch
Dw 07E0Dh,07DA5h,07D33h,07CB7h,07C32h
Dw 07BA2h,07B0Ah,07A67h,079BBh,07906h
Dw 07847h,0777Fh,076ADh,075D2h,074EEh
Dw 07401h,0730Bh,0720Ch,07104h,06FF3h
Dw 06ED9h,06DB7h,06C8Ch,06B59h,06A1Dh
Dw 068D9h,0678Dh,06639h,064DDh,06379h
Dw 0620Dh,0609Ah,05F1Fh,05D9Ch,05C13h
Dw 05A82h,058EAh,0574Bh,055A5h,053F9h
Dw 05246h,0508Dh,04ECDh,04D08h,04B3Ch
Dw 0496Ah,04793h,045B6h,043D4h,041ECh
Dw 04000h,03E0Eh,03C17h,03A1Ch,0381Ch
Dw 03618h,03410h,03203h,02FF3h,02DDFh
Dw 02BC7h,029ACh,0278Eh,0256Ch,02348h
Dw 02121h,01EF7h,01CCBh,01A9Dh,0186Ch
Dw 0163Ah,01406h,011D0h,00F99h,00D61h
Dw 00B28h,008EEh,006B3h,00478h,0023Ch
Dw 00000h,0FDC4h,0FB88h,0F94Dh,0F712h
Dw 0F4D8h,0F29Fh,0F067h,0EE30h,0EBFAh
Dw 0E9C6h,0E794h,0E563h,0E335h,0E109h
Dw 0DEDFh,0DCB8h,0DA94h,0D872h,0D654h
Dw 0D439h,0D221h,0D00Dh,0CDFDh,0CBF0h
Dw 0C9E8h,0C7E4h,0C5E4h,0C3E9h,0C1F2h
Dw 0C000h,0BE14h,0BC2Ch,0BA4Ah,0B86Dh
Dw 0B696h,0B4C4h,0B2F8h,0B133h,0AF73h
Dw 0ADBAh,0AC07h,0AA5Bh,0A8B5h,0A716h
Dw 0A57Eh,0A3EDh,0A264h,0A0E1h,09F66h
Dw 09DF3h,09C87h,09B23h,099C7h,09873h
Dw 09727h,095E3h,094A7h,09374h,09249h
Dw 09127h,0900Dh,08EFCh,08DF4h,08CF5h
Dw 08BFFh,08B12h,08A2Eh,08953h,08881h
Dw 087B9h,086FAh,08645h,08599h,084F6h
Dw 0845Eh,083CEh,08349h,082CDh,0825Bh
Dw 081F3h,08194h,08140h,080F5h,080B5h
Dw 0807Eh,08051h,0802Eh,08015h,08006h
Dw 08001h,08006h,08015h,0802Eh,08051h
Dw 0807Eh,080B5h,080F5h,08140h,08194h
Dw 081F3h,0825Bh,082CDh,08349h,083CEh
Dw 0845Eh,084F6h,08599h,08645h,086FAh
Dw 087B9h,08881h,08953h,08A2Eh,08B12h
Dw 08BFFh,08CF5h,08DF4h,08EFCh,0900Dh
Dw 09127h,09249h,09374h,094A7h,095E3h
Dw 09727h,09873h,099C7h,09B23h,09C87h
Dw 09DF3h,09F66h,0A0E1h,0A264h,0A3EDh
Dw 0A57Eh,0A716h,0A8B5h,0AA5Bh,0AC07h
Dw 0ADBAh,0AF73h,0B133h,0B2F8h,0B4C4h
Dw 0B696h,0B86Dh,0BA4Ah,0BC2Ch,0BE14h
Dw 0C000h,0C1F2h,0C3E9h,0C5E4h,0C7E4h
Dw 0C9E8h,0CBF0h,0CDFDh,0D00Dh,0D221h
Dw 0D439h,0D654h,0D872h,0DA94h,0DCB8h
Dw 0DEDFh,0E109h,0E335h,0E563h,0E794h
Dw 0E9C6h,0EBFAh,0EE30h,0F067h,0F29Fh
Dw 0F4D8h,0F712h,0F94Dh,0FB88h,0FDC4h
Dw 00000h,0023Ch,00478h,006B3h,008EEh
Dw 00B28h,00D61h,00F99h,011D0h,01406h
Dw 0163Ah,0186Ch,01A9Dh,01CCBh,01EF7h
Dw 02121h,02348h,0256Ch,0278Eh,029ACh
Dw 02BC7h,02DDFh,02FF3h,03203h,03410h
Dw 03618h,0381Ch,03A1Ch,03C17h,03E0Eh
Dw 03FFFh,041ECh,043D4h,045B6h,04793h
Dw 0496Ah,04B3Ch,04D08h,04ECDh,0508Dh
Dw 05246h,053F9h,055A5h,0574Bh,058EAh
Dw 05A82h,05C13h,05D9Ch,05F1Fh,0609Ah
Dw 0620Dh,06379h,064DDh,06639h,0678Dh
Dw 068D9h,06A1Dh,06B59h,06C8Ch,06DB7h
Dw 06ED9h,06FF3h,07104h,0720Ch,0730Bh
Dw 07401h,074EEh,075D2h,076ADh,0777Fh
Dw 07847h,07906h,079BBh,07A67h,07B0Ah
Dw 07BA2h,07C32h,07CB7h,07D33h,07DA5h
Dw 07E0Dh,07E6Ch,07EC0h,07F0Bh,07F4Bh
Dw 07F82h,07FAFh,07FD2h,07FEBh,07FFAh
Dw 07FFFh,07FFAh,07FEBh,07FD2h,07FAFh
Dw 07F82h,07F4Bh,07F0Bh,07EC0h,07E6Ch
Dw 07E0Dh,07DA5h,07D33h,07CB7h,07C32h
Dw 07BA2h,07B0Ah,07A67h,079BBh,07906h
Dw 07847h,0777Fh,076ADh,075D2h,074EEh
Dw 07401h,0730Bh,0720Ch,07104h,06FF3h
Dw 06ED9h,06DB7h,06C8Ch,06B59h,06A1Dh
Dw 068D9h,0678Dh,06639h,064DDh,06379h
Dw 0620Dh,0609Ah,05F1Fh,05D9Ch,05C13h
Dw 05A82h,058EAh,0574Bh,055A5h,053F9h
Dw 05246h,0508Dh,04ECDh,04D08h,04B3Ch
Dw 0496Ah,04793h,045B6h,043D4h,041ECh
Dw 04000h,03E0Eh,03C17h,03A1Ch,0381Ch
Dw 03618h,03410h,03203h,02FF3h,02DDFh
Dw 02BC7h,029ACh,0278Eh,0256Ch,02348h
Dw 02121h,01EF7h,01CCBh,01A9Dh,0186Ch
Dw 0163Ah,01406h,011D0h,00F99h,00D61h
Dw 00B28h,008EEh,006B3h,00478h,0023Ch
Dw 00000h,0FDC4h,0FB88h,0F94Dh,0F712h
Dw 0F4D8h,0F29Fh,0F067h,0EE30h,0EBFAh
Dw 0E9C6h,0E794h,0E563h,0E335h,0E109h
Dw 0DEDFh,0DCB8h,0DA94h,0D872h,0D654h
Dw 0D439h,0D221h,0D00Dh,0CDFDh,0CBF0h
Dw 0C9E8h,0C7E4h,0C5E4h,0C3E9h,0C1F2h
Dw 0C000h,0BE14h,0BC2Ch,0BA4Ah,0B86Dh
Dw 0B696h,0B4C4h,0B2F8h,0B133h,0AF73h
Dw 0ADBAh,0AC07h,0AA5Bh,0A8B5h,0A716h
Dw 0A57Eh,0A3EDh,0A264h,0A0E1h,09F66h
Dw 09DF3h,09C87h,09B23h,099C7h,09873h
Dw 09727h,095E3h,094A7h,09374h,09249h
Dw 09127h,0900Dh,08EFCh,08DF4h,08CF5h
Dw 08BFFh,08B12h,08A2Eh,08953h,08881h
Dw 087B9h,086FAh,08645h,08599h,084F6h
Dw 0845Eh,083CEh,08349h,082CDh,0825Bh
Dw 081F3h,08194h,08140h,080F5h,080B5h
Dw 0807Eh,08051h,0802Eh,08015h,08006h
Dw 08001h,08006h,08015h,0802Eh,08051h
Dw 0807Eh,080B5h,080F5h,08140h,08194h
Data EndS
Code Segment Para Use16
Assume Cs:Code,Ds:Data
Begin: Mov Ax,Seg Data
Mov Ds,Ax
; Initialize voxel tube routine and store important segments
Db 9Ah
Dw Offset VoxelTubeInit
Dw Seg VoxelTubeInit
Mov Dx,Offset MemoryErrMsg
Jc ErrExitProg
Mov [LandscapeSegment],Ax
Add Ax,1000h
Mov [PixelPointerSegment],Ax
; Allocate memory for bitmap, radiuses and video segment
Mov Ah,48h
Mov Bx,3FB4h
Int 21h
Jc ErrExitProg
Mov [ColorSegment],Ax
Add Ax,1000h
Mov [RadiusSegment],Ax
Add Ax,1000h
Mov [ColorTranslateSeg],Ax
Add Ax,1000h
Mov [VideoSegment],Ax
Add Ax,0FA0h
Mov Es,Ax
Xor Eax,Eax
Mov Di,13Ch
ClearLastVideoLine: Mov Es:[Di],Eax
Sub Di,04h
Jnc ClearLastVideoLine
; Open voxel tube landscape->screen tranformation pointer file
Mov Ax,3D00h
Mov Dx,Offset TubeTranslateFile
Int 21h
Mov Dx,Offset FileNotFoundMsg01
Jc ErrExitProg
Mov [FileHandle],Ax
Mov Bx,Ax
; Read pointers for half of screen (320x100)
Mov Ah,3Fh
Mov Cx,0FA00h
Push Ds
Mov Ds,[PixelPointerSegment]
Xor Dx,Dx
Int 21h
Pop Ds
Mov Dx,Offset FileReadErrorMsg01
Jc ErrExitProgCF
Mov Ah,3Eh
Int 21h
; Open voxel tube bitmap file
Mov Ax,3D00h
Mov Dx,Offset TubeBitmapFile
Int 21h
Mov Dx,Offset FileNotFoundMsg02
Jc ErrExitProg
Mov [FileHandle],Ax
Mov Bx,Ax
; Load palette and bitmap size
Mov Ah,3Fh
Mov Cx,0303h
Mov Dx,Offset Palette
Int 21h
Mov Dx,Offset FileReadErrorMsg02
Jc ErrExitProgCF
Cmp Ax,Cx
Jne ErrExitProgCF
; Clear bitmap segment with back ground color
Mov Bp,[ColorSegment]
Mov Es,Bp
Xor Di,Di
Mov Al,3Eh
SetBitmapBGColor: Mov Es:[Di],Al
Dec Di
Jnz SetBitmapBGColor
; Load bitmap line by line
Mov Bx,[FileHandle]
LoadBitmap: Mov Ah,3Fh
Mov Cx,[BitmapWidth]
Mov Dx,Offset BitmapLine
Int 21h
Mov Dx,Offset FileReadErrorMsg02
Jc ErrExitProgCF
Cmp Ax,Cx
Jne ErrExitProgCF
; Move bitmap line to color segment and double the width
Mov Si,[BitmapWidth]
Dec Si
Mov Di,Si
Add Si,Offset BitmapLine
; Add Di,Di
Mov Es,Bp
Add Bp,+20h
FixBitmapLine: Mov Al,[Si]
Mov Ah,Al
Mov Es:[Di],Ax
Dec Si
Sub Di,01h
Jnc FixBitmapLine
Dec [BitmapHeight]
Jnz LoadBitmap
; Copy bitmap to the higher part of segment for tube scroll
Mov Es,[ColorSegment]
Mov Si,32764
CopyBitmap: Mov Eax,Es:[Si]
Mov Es:[Si+8000h],Eax
Sub Si,04h
Jnc CopyBitmap
; Close bitmap file
Mov Bx,[FileHandle]
Mov Ah,3Eh
Int 21h
; Load color translating values for antialiasing
Mov Ax,3D00h
Mov Dx,Offset AntialiasDataFile
Int 21h
Mov Dx,Offset FileNotFoundMsg03
Jc ErrExitProg
Mov [FileHandle],Ax
Mov Bx,Ax
Mov Ah,3Fh
Mov Cx,8000h
Xor Dx,Dx
Push Ds
Mov Ds,[ColorTranslateSeg]
Int 21h
Pop Ds
Mov Dx,Offset FileReadErrorMsg03
Jc ErrExitProgCF
Cmp Ax,Cx
Jne ErrExitProgCF
Mov Ah,3Fh
Xor Dx,Dx
Push Ds
Mov Bp,[ColorTranslateSeg]
Add Bp,0800h
Mov Ds,Bp
Int 21h
Pop Ds
Mov Dx,Offset FileReadErrorMsg03
Jc ErrExitProgCF
Cmp Ax,Cx
Jne ErrExitProgCF
Mov Ah,3Eh
Int 21h
; Clear screen and write wait message to the screen
Mov Ax,0003h
Int 10h
Mov Ah,09h
Mov Dx,Offset WaitMessage
Int 21h
; Calculate tube radiuses
Mov Ax,3D00h
Mov Dx,Offset RadiusFile
Int 21h
Mov Ah,3Fh
Mov Cx,8000h
Xor Dx,Dx
Push Ds
Mov Ds,[RadiusSegment]
Int 21h
Pop Ds
Mov Ah,3Eh
Int 21h
Mov Es,[RadiusSegment]
Mov Si,7FFFh
CopyRadiuses: Mov Al,Es:[Si]
Mov Es:[Si+8000h],Al
Dec Si
Jns CopyRadiuses
Mov Es,[RadiusSegment]
Mov Si,0FE00h ; y
Xor Di,Di ; y int
Mov [YangleDec],Di ; y dec
MakeRadiusTable1: Mov Bx,01FFh ; x
Xor Bp,Bp ; x int
Mov [XangleDec],Bp ; x dec
MakeRadiusLine1: Add Bp,Bp
Mov Ax,Ds:[Bp+Sin]
Shr Bp,01h
Add Di,Di
; Imul Ds:[Di+Sin]
Shr Di,01h
Mov Ax,400
Imul Dx
Add Dl,128
; Mov Es:[Bx+Si],Dl
Add [XangleDec],23040 ; x sinus
Adc Bp,0
Cmp Bp,360
Jb NoXangleFix1
Sub Bp,360
NoXangleFix1: Dec Bx
Jns MakeRadiusLine1
Add [YangleDec],40960 ; y sinus
Adc Di,5
Cmp Di,360
Jb NoYangleFix1
Sub Di,360
NoYangleFix1: Sub Si,0200h
Jnc MakeRadiusTable1
Mov Si,0FE00h ; y
Xor Di,Di ; y int
Mov [YangleDec],Di ; y dec
MakeRadiusTable2: Mov Bx,01FFh ; x
Xor Bp,Bp ; x int
Mov [XangleDec],Bp ; x dec
MakeRadiusLine2: Add Bp,Bp
Mov Ax,Ds:[Bp+Sin]
Shr Bp,01h
Add Di,Di
Imul Ds:[Di+Trigon+Sin]
Shr Di,01h
Mov Ax,400
Imul Dx
; Add Es:[Bx+Si],Dl
Add [XangleDec],60416 ; x sinus
Adc Bp,4
Cmp Bp,360
Jb NoXangleFix2
Sub Bp,360
NoXangleFix2: Dec Bx
Jns MakeRadiusLine2
Add [YangleDec],32768 ; y sinus
Adc Di,22
Cmp Di,360
Jb NoYangleFix2
Sub Di,360
NoYangleFix2: Sub Si,0200h
Jnc MakeRadiusTable2
; Set screen to video mode (320x200x256) and change new palette
Mov Ax,0013h
Int 10h
Mov Dx,03C4h ; Sequencer registers
Mov Ax,0100h ; Synchronous reset while
Out Dx,Ax ; switching clocks
Mov Dx,03C2h ; Miscellaneous registers
Mov Al,0E7h ; Select 28 MHz dot clock
Out Dx,Al ; & 60 Hz scanning rate
Mov Dx,03C4h ; Sequencer registers
Mov Ax,0300h ; Undo reset
Out Dx,Ax ; (Restart sequencer)
Mov Dx,03D4h ; CRTC registers
Mov Al,11h ; Enable write to
Out Dx,Al ; registers 0-7
Inc Dx
In Al,Dx
And Al,7Fh
Out Dx,Al
Dec Dx
Mov Ax,0D06h
Out Dx,Ax
Mov Ax,2E07h
Out Dx,Ax
Mov Ax,0109h
Out Dx,Ax
Mov Ax,0EA10h
Out Dx,Ax
Mov Ax,0AC11h
Out Dx,Ax
Mov Ax,0DF12h
Out Dx,Ax
Mov Ax,0b615h
Out Dx,Ax
Mov Ax,02816h
Out Dx,Ax
Mov Ax,2818h
Out Dx,Ax
; Wait until screen is ready (2 seconds)
Mov Cl,120 ; Wait 2 seconds
Mov Dx,03DAh
WaitForVR: In Al,Dx
And Al,08h
Jz WaitForVR
WaitForDE: In Al,Dx
And Al,08h
Jnz WaitForDE
Dec Cl
Jnz WaitForVR
; Set palette
Mov Si,Offset Palette
Mov Cx,0300h
Mov Dx,03C8h
Xor Al,Al
Out Dx,Al
Inc Dx
Rep OutsB
; Set initial values of the tube
Mov [Rotate],0000h
Mov [Moving],0000h
; Introduction loop
; /////////////////
; Clear landscape segment
IntroLoop: Call DrawAndMoveTube
; Check if key pressed, if not, loop
Mov Ah,01h
Int 16h
Jz IntroLoop
Xor Ah,Ah
Int 16h
WaitRightPosLoop: Call DrawAndMoveTube
Cmp [Moving],0000h
Jne WaitRightPosLoop
Mov Ax,[RadiusSegment]
Add Ax,07E0h
Mov Es,Ax
Xor Eax,Eax
Mov Di,01F0h
MakeTubeEndLine: Mov Es:[Di],Eax
Mov Es:[Di+04h],Eax
Mov Es:[Di+08h],Eax
Mov Es:[Di+0Ch],Eax
Sub Di,10h
Jnc MakeTubeEndLine
ScrollTubeToEnd: Call DrawAndMoveTube
Cmp [Moving],0000h
Jne ScrollTubeToEnd
; Change back to text mode, output end message to the screen and leave
Mov Ax,0003h
Int 10h
Mov Ah,09h
Mov Dx,Offset ByeByeMessage
Int 21h
Mov Ax,4C00h
Int 21h
; Close file at the error when file is open
ErrExitProgCF: Mov Ah,3Eh
Mov Bx,[FileHandle]
Int 21h
; Exit program with error message
ErrExitProg: Mov Ah,09h
Int 21h
Mov Ax,4C01h
Int 21h
DrawAndMoveTube Proc Near
; Clear landscape segment
Xor Eax,Eax
Mov Es,[LandscapeSegment]
Mov Di,0FFF0h
ClearLandscapeSeg: Mov Es:[Di],Eax
Mov Es:[Di+04h],Eax
Mov Es:[Di+08h],Eax
Mov Es:[Di+0Ch],Eax
Sub Di,10h
Jnc ClearLandscapeSeg
; Draw tube landscape
Push Ds
Mov Dx,[Rotate]
Mov Ax,[ColorSegment]
Add Ax,[Moving]
Mov Gs,Ax
Mov Ax,[RadiusSegment]
Add Ax,[Moving]
Mov Ds,Ax
Db 9Ah
Dw Offset VoxelTube
Dw Seg VoxelTube
Pop Ds
; Draw tube landscape to the video segment by twisting it around a cylinter
Mov Es,[VideoSegment]
Db 9Ah
Dw Offset DrawVoxelTube
Dw Seg DrawVoxelTube
; Move video segment to the screen via antialiasing routine
Push Ds
Mov Fs,[VideoSegment]
Mov Ds,[ColorTranslateSeg]
Db 9Ah
Dw Offset Antialias320
Dw Seg Antialias320
Pop Ds
; Normal video segment to screen memory move
; Mov Ax,0A000h
; Mov Es,Ax
; Mov Fs,[VideoSegment]
; Mov Di,64000-4
; MoveVideoToScreen: Mov Eax,Fs:[Di]
; Mov Es:[Di],Eax
; Sub Di,04h
; Jnc MoveVideoToScreen
; Change tube parameters
Mov Ax,[Rotate]
Add Ax,+02h
Cmp Ax,0200h
Jb NoRotateFix
Sub Ax,0200h
NoRotateFix: Mov [Rotate],Ax
Mov Ax,[Moving]
Add Ax,+20h
Cmp Ax,0800h
Jb NoMovingFix
Sub Ax,0800h
NoMovingFix: Mov [Moving],Ax
DrawAndMoveTube EndP
Code EndS
Include TUBE.ASM
End Begin